What are Bollards? Bollards are short, sturdy barriers that are installed in the ground to prevent vehicle traffic hitting pedestrians or buildings. They are typically posts, but can be any... View Article
What are Bollards? Bollards are short, sturdy barriers that are installed in the ground to prevent vehicle traffic hitting pedestrians or buildings. They are typically posts, but can be any... View Article
Wrought iron, steel and aluminum fences can last for many years, as long as you maintain them properly. If you let rust get out of control, it can affect the... View Article
A Good Neighbor Fence is a wood privacy fence that divides two properties, where the finished side of the fence (i.e. the more attractive, smooth side) faces the neighbor’s property.... View Article
A wood fence can add to your home’s beauty and security. These fences typically last about 15 years. With proper maintenance, you can extend the life of your wood fence... View Article
Made from Polyvinyl Chloride, vinyl fencing has come a long way since it was introduced in the 1980s. Today’s vinyl fences are strong, long-lasting, economical, and require little maintenance. Whether... View Article
You can install a chain link fence without using concrete, but it is not recommended. Anchoring each fence post in concrete is the best way to ensure your fence will... View Article
Adding an automatic gate opener to your home or business is a sound investment for most property owners. Benefits include: Added Security Safety Convenience Curb Appeal Increased Property Value Ease... View Article
Once upon a time there were three little pigs, who moved to the magical land of Kansas. They each found a cozy new home on beautiful property, but all of... View Article
Ah, the Kansas wind. What other states call a gale, we consider a light breeze. All joking aside, Kansas winds are no laughing matter when it comes to the stability... View Article
There is no municipal code in Wichita requiring that your privacy fence be constructed with the smooth face side facing outward toward your neighbors. That being said, there are a... View Article